Monday, March 31, 2008

Life changes

guys has changed drasticly over the past few days for me...if i seem alittle off , dont worry...
i find it hard to concentrate on gaming, and my current situation may keep me from competing professional this year...but luckily my parents live close by and can help out with my baby...but we will see how it all goes.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

CGS, WCG, and racing in general

Good to see that my fellow pgr pros have made a strong statement to the rest of the cyber racing world. "none of the pgr guys will be protected or re-drafted" Authors name withheld...almost half of the 2008 forza players are being protected(re-signed) and according to people there, 4 other pgr guys will be drafted ( muffinman and darkstorm being the top two).

Ch0mpr, jason x, phantom, and chaos are protected. I enjoy reading people complaining on the forza boards..."the pgr guys are used to racing dirty" is the most common quote..

General lee live did not even make the final 8 in the group play..but enough preaching.

still waiting for WCG to announce online qualifiers, and other this time last year I had already won my qualifier.

The racing genre in general needs a shot of adrenaline...some usr guys are doing a 2v2 league , but they are in the uk and would be hard for us top participate.

I am thinking about organizing a team time trial challenge....but unlike last time, i thought about making one two include forza and pgr.. Maybe one track and class on each...but our last one fell through. let me know if you are interested..